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Release request from internment camp; Lumberyard inventory; Manager appointment; Dissolution of organization; inventory and transport of abandoned assets; Store location request.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities; Ministry of Defense, of the Treasury
Abauj-Torna Region (Kassa, Szikszo County, Encs)
Request by Sandor Friedmann for releasing his father from internment camp; Inventory of merchandise in lumberyard owned by Mrs. I. Krausz and Sons for merchandise voluntarily offered to local cooperative; Appointment of manager to lumberyard owned by Mrs. Israel Krausz; Dissolution of Jewish organizations; Organization for taking inventories and transportation to central locations expropriated, confiscated and/or abandoned assets by evacuated Jews; Request for store location formerly owned by Mrs. I. Krausz.
Merchandise release; Housing distribution; Report of forest properties; Reporting agricultural properties; Report of confiscated radios; Decree for store sequestration; Inventory of tangible assets.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities; Ministry of Public Alimentation
Abauj-Torna Region (Kassa, Szikszo, Encs, Abaujszanto)
Returning merchandise owned by Aryans from closed Jewish stores; Distribution of housing and empty store locations formerly in Jewish possession; Request to report forest properties owned by Jews; Mandatory reporting of agricultural real properties owned by Jews; List of radios confiscated in Abaujszanto and handling instructions; Text of decree of sequestration of Jewish owned stores and their contents; Order to inventory tangible assets left in evacuated Jewish residences.
Internment of foreign citizen Jews; Tax arrears; Asset handling instructions; Bicycles, typewriters distribution; Alimentation in ghetto; Guardian appointments in agricultural properties; List of confiscated real properties; Dismissal of employees; Sale of fat and bacon; Food items inventory.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities; Ministry of the Interior
Abauj-Torna Region, Kassa (Abaujszanto)
Search for foreign citizen Jews being illegally in the country and placing them into internment camps; Tax arrears of Bertalan Bialko and wife; Handling instructions of expropriated Jewish tangible assets; Distribution of confiscated bicycles and typewriters to public services; Alimentation of Jews in ghetto and collection of food left in evacuated residences; Appointment of guardian for agricultural real properties to replace Jewish managers; Statement for listing sequestrated real properties owned by Jews; Dismissal of Jewish employees from pubic services; Storage and sale of cooking fat and bacon left from evacuated Jews; Inventory of various food item left from evacuated Jews;
Cooking fat distribution; Distribution of items left in households; Storage and distribution of cooking fat, bacon and flour; Usage of materials from demolished Synagogues, Hunting contracts; Wine managers appointed; List of wine stock owners.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities; Alimentation Inspectorate; Ministry of the Agriculture
Abauj-Torna Region, Kassa (Abaujszanto)
Distribution of cooking fat confiscated from Jews; Inventories and distribution listing by individuals of food, various household items and leather goods, furs removed from evacuated Jewish residences; Storage of 1073 kg. cooking fat left from evacuated Jews; Distribution list of cooking fat and bacon left by evacuated Jews; Distribution of flour collected from expropriated Jewish household items; Utilization of materials obtained from demolishing former synagogues; Termination of contracts for hunting; Appointment of managers for sequestrated large quantities of wine; List of 12 Jewish owners of large quantities wine stocks.
Instruction to deposit funds; Trade license request; Expropriated horses reported; Sequestration of assets from Organizations; Asset sales; List of dead heroes, veterans and disabled soldiers; List of families with more children; List of persons in poverty and disability; Jewish Civil Register transferred.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities; Ministry of Commerce, of the Interior; Military Recruiting District
Abauj-Torna Region, Kassa (Abaujszanto)
Circular with instruction for depositing funds derived from sale of Jewish assets; Request for trade license; Request to report horses expropriated from Jews; Sequestration of assets of all local Jewish organizations; Sale and execution instructions of confiscated Jewish assets; List of heroes died in WW II and list of veterans and disabled soldiers in both world wars; List of families with more than 5 children; List of family members of persons penniless with work disability; List of workers on fields, in forests or industry with monthly income of less than 200 pengo; Mandatory transfer of Jewish Civil Register to regional archives.
Sequestration notices; List of store owners; Manager appointment; Furniture factory closing; Inventory of cement; Store owners in Hajoscsaba; Trade permits; Sale of perishables; Release of auto parts; Cement inventory.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities
Borsod Region, Miskolc (Hejocsaba)
Notifying listed Jewish owners about sequestration of their stores and contents; List of Jewish store owners by category; Appointment of managers to stores serving primary necessities; Request for exemption from closing furniture factory owned by Gyula Kertesz and appointment of manager; Minutes at the facility for sale of concrete items when taking inventory with list of all materials found on premises; Additional report of Jewish store owners in Hejocsaba; Requests for trade permits; Sale of perishable merchandise from sequestrated stores; Release of automobile parts, repair materials from closed stores; Management change and inventory in factory items made of concrete.
Merchandise sale from closed stores; Jewish assets reporting; Workers requested for nursery; Transportation of Jews to ghetto; Stores requested; Residence distribution priorities; Decree for real property distribution; List of evacuated residences.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities; Ministry of the Interior
Borsod Region, Miskolc (Hejocsaba)
Ordinance for sale of merchandise from closed Jewish owned stores; List of Jews receiving form for reporting their assets in Hejocsaba; Request for Jewish workers in Bulgarian nursery (family of Ignacz Schwartz); Notice to 33 persons to appear with horse and buggy for transportation of Jews to ghetto; Request for closed Jewish store by Aryans; Ordinance detailing priority in distribution of evacuated Jewish residences; Decree for distribution of confiscated Jewish real properties to rural communities; List of 47 Jews with addresses of their evacuated residences.
Jewish laborers on rail road work; List of 810 Jews in Mezokovesd; Food allotment rules; Sugar rations; Request by Levente for residences; Job distributions; Invalids' annuities; Police supervision; Yellow star display; Requests by air raid commanders; Request for returning unpaid book.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities; Ministry of Public Alimentation
Borsod Region, Miskolc (Mezokovesd)
Accommodation of Jews from labor camps to work on railroads (MARV); Reporting 810 Jewish persons living in Mezokovesd; Rules for food allotment to Jews working in military plants; Special sugar rations for Jews; Request for evacuated Jewish real property by Levente organization; Distribution of jobs taken away from Jews to war veterans and families; Annuity payable to invalids of war; Dr. Mor Klein placed under police supervision; Ordinance for Jews to display Yellow Star; Equipment requested by Air Raid shelter commanders; Request to return unpaid books delivered to Jewish merchant (Gabor Molnar).
Store sequestrations; Release of funds for debt payment; List of store owners; Manager appointments; Industrial plants closing; Jewish assets reporting; List of tradesmen; Residences requested; Radio handling; Items released from closed stores; Trade licenses; Ghetto expenses reimbursed.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities; Military District Center
Borsod Region, Miskolc (Mezokovesd)
Sequestration of stores with contents owned by Jews; Requesting release of amount owed by Nandor Krausz; List of 68 Jewish store owners in Mezokovesd; Requests manager appointments for expropriated Jewish stores; Closing of industrial plants owned by Jews; Form distribution to report Jewish assets to be sequestrated; List of trades men in Mezokovesd(37); List of requests for evacuated Jewish residences; Handling instruction for confiscated radios; Release of objects in sequestrated Jewish stores owned by others; Trade licenses requested; Expense reimbursement for organization of ghetto;
Jewish Committee in ghetto and organization; Moving expenses reimbursed; Bakery moved out of ghetto; Receipts for payments; Expense reports; Tax arrears reported; Moving expenses in and out of ghetto; Physicians practicing from labor camps.
Issued by
Local and Regional Authorities
Borsod Region, Miskolc (Mezokovesd)
Formation of Jewish Committee in ghetto; Ghetto organization; Trade license request; Compensation for moving out of ghetto by Aryans and expenses of ghetto organization; Expense reimbursement to bakery owner for moving plant out of ghetto's territory; Receipts for payment of expenses; Report of expenses derived from moving out from ghettos area and repaid to Aryans; Report of arrears of property and income tax owed by Jews; Reports of expenses connected with moving back Aryans to the ghetto area, after evacuation; Expenses left by Jews after evacuation; Practices of Jewish physicians in labor camp;