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Report of moving Jews to ghetto; Monthly agricultural report; Shortage of teachers; removal of books written by Jews; Land expropriation decree.
1941 - 1944
Issued by
Regional and Local Authorities, Ministry of the Agriculture
Szabolcs Region, Nyiregyhaza area
Report of moving 16606 Jews from the region to the ghetto in Nyiregyhaza and 6932 persons in Kisvarda; Report for the month of May about the agricultural situation in the region particularly in the estates of evacuated Jews; Reporting shortages of teachers, proposed usage of abandoned Jewish schools and removal of 197 books by Jewish authors; Decree for expropriation of landed properties, equipment and animals from Jews with list of names.
Radio distribution; Collecting personal data of Jews with list; Construction lumber expropriated and distribution requested; Disputed distribution; Sale of Jewish assets; Flour and bread supply for Jews; Collection of left over food; Transit camps.
Issued by
Regional and Local Authorities, Ministry of the Interior
Szabolcs Region, Nyiregyhaza area
Requests and distribution of radios confiscated from Jews; Request to collect and report personal data of all Jews living in the area; Detailed list of all Jews in the region prepared by the Jewish organization in Nyiregyhaza; Sequestration of construction lumber from Jews with list of owners; Request by Gendarmes from Nagykallo of allotment from sequestrated lumber to build barracks; Various distribution requests for lumber; Some disputes about erroneous distribution; Sale of expropriated Jewish assets, handling instructions and designated recipients; Flour and bread supply for evacuated Jews; Collection and transfer of food left from Jews; Creating transit camps for Jews as part of the cleansing process.
Registration of Jewish population; Moving restrictions; Ghetto area designated; Exemption requests; Bicycles and typewriter distributions; List of men from camp; Trades men exit from ghetto; Help requested by Jewish Committee; Attorneys exclusion from BAR Association.
Issued by
Regional and Local Authorities, Ministry of the Interior, Regional Jewish Committee
Szabolcs Region, Nyiregyhaza area
Assigning teachers for registration of the Jewish population; Banning Jews from leaving the city's boundaries; Designating areas of ghetto in Nyiregyhaza; Request for exemption of persecution laws; Request to exempt Adolf Klein from persecution as person needed in production of food canning factory; Requests for exemption by various individuals; Distribution of bicycles and typewriters confiscated from Jews; List of Jewish men returned from labor camp (71); Request for allowing tradesmen necessary for specialized works to exit ghetto; Desperate letter written by the Jewish Committee to Mayor to help the Jews; Exclusion of Jewish attorneys from the BAR and expropriating their documents.
Left over food transferred to Red Cross; Funds request by Committee; Jews working in vineyards; Ghetto alimentation; Storage of highly valued items; Telephones dismounted; Request of moving by elderly Jew.
Issued by
Regional and Local Authorities, Ministry of the Interior, Regional Jewish Committee; Ministry of Public Alimentation
Szabolcs Region, Nyiregyhaza area
Collection of food left by Jews transfered to Red Cross; Request by Jewish Committee to release some funds from the confiscated assets to cover expenses needed in ghetto; Jewish workers are requested for vineyards; Alimentation of Jews in Ghetto; Storage and placement of highly valuable confiscated items (jewelry, gems, cash) into vaults; Dismounting and collecting telephones from evacuated Jewish residences; list of 70 owners; Request by elderly Jewish parent to move to Budapest (Lax).
Bicycle request; Bank safe keys collected; Storage place requested; Organizing and safekeeping objects left by Jews; Usage of property owned by Silberstein; Medical equipment sequestration; Hunting permits; Reporting typewriters and bicycles.
Issued by
Regional and Local Authorities, Ministry of the Interior
Szabolcs Region, Nyiregyhaza area
Dr. Izso Roth requesting bicycle; Collecting keys of banks' safe deposit boxes owned by Jews (list of owners); Request for storage place for confiscated Jewish assets; Decree and organization to collect and store objects left by evacuated Jews; Plans for usage of closed synagogues; Allocating clerical personnel to inventory assets left from evacuated Jews; Utilization requested of orchard and vineyard formerly owned by the Silberstein family; Sequestration of healthcare and medical equipment; Revoking hunting permits; Request to report typewriters and bicycles owned by Jews
Accusation of theft of household assets; Household item distributions; List and sale of food left by Jews; Sale of fodder; Asset transfer to Vitez organization; Storage locations designated; Food sale; Handling instructions for expropriated assets.
Issued by
Regional and Local Authorities
Szabolcs Region, Nyiregyhaza area
Accusation and investigation for stealing household assets from evacuated residences by the new tenants; Distribution of some household assets left by evacuated Jews for air raid shelter and emergency hospitals; List and sale of food and containers left by evacuated Jews with receipt of funds; Sale of fodder left by Jews with receipts; Transfer with inventory of some Jewish assets to National Heros (Vittez) Organization; Designation of proper storage locations for Jewish assets; Sale of food left in ghetto after evacuation; Confidential instructions for handling expropriated Jewish higher valued, tangible assets.